Success Is Coming Your Way…Be Open To It

Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist and behavioral scientist who won the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences has claimed the following as his favourite equation: Success = talent + luck Great Success = a little more talent + a lot of luck And in the bestselling book, Outliners, written by Malcolm Gladwell, the central thesis[...]

Climate Change is Here, Let’s Prepare

Climate Change is Here, Let’s Prepare Are you as astounded like me with the: Record heat wave in October An Unusually dry October Unusually Rough Seas Unusually High tides If these are the first salvos of ‘Climate Change’ then we are in for some serious challenges. And this is significantly important for the Real Estate[...]

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

The quickest way to achieve success in your Real Estate practice is to find someone who has achieved success in Real Estate and use their process of attaining success as a model. Steve Jobs was quoted, as re-quoting Picasso, when saying “Good artists copy, Great artists steal”. By this, we think he meant that great[...]

Financial Literacy

A Real Estate Professional must posses a good working knowledge of Financial Principles. Investing in Real Estate either as a home or as a money making venture is basically a financial decision. The Real Estate Agent acts as a financial advisor to both the seller and the investor. Both parties look towards the agent for[...]